as she grew up she did play
games her brothers loved to play
t.t., cricket, monopoly -
made no sense a doll to she.
yet the precious times to her
hours of solitude they were.
like a monkey she would climb
to the roof at evening chime.
to the sky her heart would soar
sunset colors - art galore!
she was very quiet then
let the inner stir happen.
oh the depth of blue did call -
can you paint my inner all?
and the scattered crimson band
toss of color from Their hand!
every day a new grandeur
every moment more n more.
specks of Love sprinkled asunder
put her into silent wonder.
display majestic for her sake -
Their dance in sky, n one more take.
They did throb n she with Them -
empty vessel Their rhythm.
to be continued ...
her heart
her heart was set on flying free -
like Ma-Pa she wished to be.
gran-ma did the first intro -
He is yours for ever more. [1]
1: around the age of 6 years, her grandmother taught her the Shiv-stotra (a Sanskrit song praising and praying to Shiv) “श्रीरुद्राष्टकम्” (Shri-Rudraashtakam).
here is a link in YouTube to a nice rendition of the complete stotra, along with English meanings.
her heart was set on flying free -
like Ma-Pa she wished to be.
gran-ma did the first intro -
He is yours for ever more. [1]
1: around the age of 6 years, her grandmother taught her the Shiv-stotra (a Sanskrit song praising and praying to Shiv) “श्रीरुद्राष्टकम्” (Shri-Rudraashtakam).
here is a link in YouTube to a nice rendition of the complete stotra, along with English meanings.
first reaction
first reaction: oh no no!
don't wanna go, don't wanna go!
backing out, yes try she did.
ma assured, its ok kid.
1: just a few days after she was born, she became critically ill. she was held back in Class (saved) by the timely attention, love and care of her mother and other family members.
first reaction: oh no no!
don't wanna go, don't wanna go!
backing out, yes try she did.
ma assured, its ok kid.
1: just a few days after she was born, she became critically ill. she was held back in Class (saved) by the timely attention, love and care of her mother and other family members.
the miracle of Love
Lesson Wrap Up
“sine is One? yes ride the wave. [1]
cos is One? dive deep in, brave. [2], [3]
y is Zero, Is The State. [4]
Eternal Joy, Our State, your State.” [5]
“riding, diving, how to do?
one more clue, please one more clue ...”
“clue is only one My Love –
Love and Love and only Love.
Love yourself with tenderness.
Love your strength, Love your weakness.
Love all you sense, with tenderness.
sense all you Love, with tenderness.
see then you, your Self is ALL.
see then and your Self do Call.
see then, you are only Love.
Love Is ALL and You Are Love!”
Oh He Loved her Oh So Deep
She A Gentle Smile Sent Deep.
now To Fly she was ready,
packed with Love, yes, Love Steady.
1: sine is one: happiness is high.
ride the wave: when happiness comes, be happy, but do not be touched by the water of happiness.
“One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people.” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

2: cos is one: sorrow is high.
when pain and sorrow occurs, go deep into that sensation. accept it, observe it with patience and Love.
“Welcome and entertain them all! …
... each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.” The Guest House, by Rumi.
3: "when you are in the ocean, in a heavy surf, if you stay on the surface you will get thrown about against the reefs and the rocks, and you get a lot of water in your nose and mouth and feel like you're drowning. But if you dive down and hold on to something and let the wave pass over you, you can come up in between and feel just fine. Well, that's what I did during labor. When the contractions came, I dived down and let them pass over me."
~ Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, Pregnancy and Birthing, Turning Labor Into Personal Power by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
4: y = 0: the x axis: The State of Equilibrium, Where all vibrations come to Rest.
y: the being, the dependent variable. x: The Supreme Force, the independent variable.
5: चिदानन्द रूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ~ आदि शंकराचार्य
(The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva!
~ Adi Shankaracharya)
“sine is One? yes ride the wave. [1]
cos is One? dive deep in, brave. [2], [3]
y is Zero, Is The State. [4]
Eternal Joy, Our State, your State.” [5]
“riding, diving, how to do?
one more clue, please one more clue ...”
“clue is only one My Love –
Love and Love and only Love.
Love yourself with tenderness.
Love your strength, Love your weakness.
Love all you sense, with tenderness.
sense all you Love, with tenderness.
see then you, your Self is ALL.
see then and your Self do Call.
see then, you are only Love.
Love Is ALL and You Are Love!”
Oh He Loved her Oh So Deep
She A Gentle Smile Sent Deep.
now To Fly she was ready,
packed with Love, yes, Love Steady.
1: sine is one: happiness is high.
ride the wave: when happiness comes, be happy, but do not be touched by the water of happiness.
“One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people.” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

2: cos is one: sorrow is high.
when pain and sorrow occurs, go deep into that sensation. accept it, observe it with patience and Love.
“Welcome and entertain them all! …
... each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.” The Guest House, by Rumi.
3: "when you are in the ocean, in a heavy surf, if you stay on the surface you will get thrown about against the reefs and the rocks, and you get a lot of water in your nose and mouth and feel like you're drowning. But if you dive down and hold on to something and let the wave pass over you, you can come up in between and feel just fine. Well, that's what I did during labor. When the contractions came, I dived down and let them pass over me."
~ Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, Pregnancy and Birthing, Turning Labor Into Personal Power by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
4: y = 0: the x axis: The State of Equilibrium, Where all vibrations come to Rest.
y: the being, the dependent variable. x: The Supreme Force, the independent variable.
5: चिदानन्द रूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ~ आदि शंकराचार्य
(The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva!
~ Adi Shankaracharya)
आत्मषटक (atmashtaka)
मनोबुध्यहंकारचित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योमभूमिः न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।१।
I am not mind or intellect, ego, or any mental state,
I am not hearing or taste, smell or sight,
I am not space or earth, fire or air,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [1]
न च प्राणसञ्ज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुः
न वा सप्तधातुर्न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादौ न चोपस्थपायू
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।२।
I am also not vital breath nor the five winds,
Not the seven substances, nor the five sheaths,
Not the tongue or hands, not feet, genitals or rectum,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [2]
न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।३।
I am not attraction nor repulsion, greed nor delusion,
I am neither pride nor vanity, jealously nor envy,
I am not righteousness, nor wealth, nor pleasure, nor liberation,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [3]
न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।४।
I am not virtue nor vice, not pleasure nor pain,
I am not prayer nor pilgrimage, not scripture nor sacrifice,
I am not the enjoyer nor the enjoyed nor the enjoyment,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [4]
न मे मृत्युशंका न मे जातिभेदः
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्यः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।५।
I am not fear, not death, not caste distinction,
I am not father, not mother, not birth,
Not family, not friend, neither guru nor disciple,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [5]
अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो
विभुर्व्याप्य सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
सदा मे समत्वं न मुक्तिर्न बन्धः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।६।
I am beyond thought and beyond form,
I am in all things, everywhere, in all senses,
I am impartial to all, neither attached nor detached,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [6]
~ translation reproduced from here.
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योमभूमिः न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।१।
I am not mind or intellect, ego, or any mental state,
I am not hearing or taste, smell or sight,
I am not space or earth, fire or air,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [1]
न च प्राणसञ्ज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुः
न वा सप्तधातुर्न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादौ न चोपस्थपायू
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।२।
I am also not vital breath nor the five winds,
Not the seven substances, nor the five sheaths,
Not the tongue or hands, not feet, genitals or rectum,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [2]
न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।३।
I am not attraction nor repulsion, greed nor delusion,
I am neither pride nor vanity, jealously nor envy,
I am not righteousness, nor wealth, nor pleasure, nor liberation,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [3]
न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।४।
I am not virtue nor vice, not pleasure nor pain,
I am not prayer nor pilgrimage, not scripture nor sacrifice,
I am not the enjoyer nor the enjoyed nor the enjoyment,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [4]
न मे मृत्युशंका न मे जातिभेदः
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्यः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।५।
I am not fear, not death, not caste distinction,
I am not father, not mother, not birth,
Not family, not friend, neither guru nor disciple,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [5]
अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो
विभुर्व्याप्य सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
सदा मे समत्वं न मुक्तिर्न बन्धः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहं शिवोऽहम् ।६।
I am beyond thought and beyond form,
I am in all things, everywhere, in all senses,
I am impartial to all, neither attached nor detached,
The embodiment of blissful consciousness: I am Shiva! I am Shiva! [6]
~ translation reproduced from here.
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
~ Jelaluddin Rumi
~ translated by Coleman Barks (from The Essential Rumi)
~ reproduced here from here.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
~ Jelaluddin Rumi
~ translated by Coleman Barks (from The Essential Rumi)
~ reproduced here from here.
“and My Love, pray, how will she
know her Self and know You, Me?
We are sending her to Class. [1]
give the clue, how shall she Pass?” [2]
then He brought His face so near - [3]
said the secret, soft and clear.
“trust the sine and trust cosine, [4]
jump from them, reach Tangentine. [5]
submit to cos, submit to sine, [6]
then beyond, reach Love Divine.
be one with yin, be one with yang,
then be One with Us, Big Bang!” [7]
1: Class: Life
2: passing the class of life: attain Self-Realization, i.e. know one’s true Self.
3: To Her Womb
4: sine and cosine curves of trigonometry: the ups and downs of the dualities of life.

sine: the rise and fall of happiness, heat, summer, light, logic, being masculine, the active responsive force, positive, yang
cosine: the rise and fall of sorrow, cold, winter, dark, intuition, being feminine, the passive receptive force, negative, yin
5: the tan curve of trigonometry: from Infinity to Infinity
6: “Know the masculine, But keep to the feminine” The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff, Page 199.
submit: keep to the feminine: passive, receptive, intuitive, finding fulfillment in surrender.
7: Big Bang: Enlightenment
“and My Love, pray, how will she
know her Self and know You, Me?
We are sending her to Class. [1]
give the clue, how shall she Pass?” [2]
then He brought His face so near - [3]
said the secret, soft and clear.
“trust the sine and trust cosine, [4]
jump from them, reach Tangentine. [5]
submit to cos, submit to sine, [6]
then beyond, reach Love Divine.
be one with yin, be one with yang,
then be One with Us, Big Bang!” [7]
1: Class: Life
2: passing the class of life: attain Self-Realization, i.e. know one’s true Self.
3: To Her Womb
4: sine and cosine curves of trigonometry: the ups and downs of the dualities of life.

sine: the rise and fall of happiness, heat, summer, light, logic, being masculine, the active responsive force, positive, yang
cosine: the rise and fall of sorrow, cold, winter, dark, intuition, being feminine, the passive receptive force, negative, yin
5: the tan curve of trigonometry: from Infinity to Infinity
6: “Know the masculine, But keep to the feminine” The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff, Page 199.
submit: keep to the feminine: passive, receptive, intuitive, finding fulfillment in surrender.
7: Big Bang: Enlightenment
Their Conversation
Then With Love He Spoke To Her -
Secret Love Revealed To Her.
Thus she In Their Love Did Soak -
For Their child Indeed He Spoke. [1]
“Love Is Mathematical.
No, Not Hypothetical.
Love Is Only Me And You.
I Am Zero. One Is You. [2]
All Existence: Me And You.
No Less No More, And That Is True.
All Beyond, Within: Our Game. [3]
Just Our Dance And Just Our Name.”
“How Did You And I Become?
Where From Zero-One Did Come?”
“To Know That, You Shall I Become.
To Know That, I Shall You Become.” [4], [5]
1: अध्यात्म रामायण (Adhyaatma Ramayan, i.e. Spiritual Ramayan): The Story of Ram that Shiva Narrated to Parvati.
2: that is why the digital world is so successful! :-)
3: beyond: the world outside a being. everything on the number line on the right of 1 and on the left of -1.
within: the world inside a being. everything on the number line between -1, 0, 1.
4: "... consciousness becoming conscious of itself." ~ The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, ISBN 1-57731-480-8, Pg 81
5: "the soul has no sex" ~ Swami Vivekananda
Then With Love He Spoke To Her -
Secret Love Revealed To Her.
Thus she In Their Love Did Soak -
For Their child Indeed He Spoke. [1]
“Love Is Mathematical.
No, Not Hypothetical.
Love Is Only Me And You.
I Am Zero. One Is You. [2]
All Existence: Me And You.
No Less No More, And That Is True.
All Beyond, Within: Our Game. [3]
Just Our Dance And Just Our Name.”
“How Did You And I Become?
Where From Zero-One Did Come?”
“To Know That, You Shall I Become.
To Know That, I Shall You Become.” [4], [5]
1: अध्यात्म रामायण (Adhyaatma Ramayan, i.e. Spiritual Ramayan): The Story of Ram that Shiva Narrated to Parvati.
2: that is why the digital world is so successful! :-)
3: beyond: the world outside a being. everything on the number line on the right of 1 and on the left of -1.
within: the world inside a being. everything on the number line between -1, 0, 1.
4: "... consciousness becoming conscious of itself." ~ The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, ISBN 1-57731-480-8, Pg 81
5: "the soul has no sex" ~ Swami Vivekananda
Then His Sperm To Her He Gave.
In Her Egg, Love Did She Save. [1]
In Her Womb she found herself -
warm and cosy with her Self.
1: the potency of the sperm lies in the Love that it carries.
whenever Love is Lovingly given and is Lovingly received, conception occurs, creation occurs, a new birth occurs in some form.
whenever something is conceived, it is worth spending a minute or two to wonder: who gave what to whom?
Then His Sperm To Her He Gave.
In Her Egg, Love Did She Save. [1]
In Her Womb she found herself -
warm and cosy with her Self.
1: the potency of the sperm lies in the Love that it carries.
whenever Love is Lovingly given and is Lovingly received, conception occurs, creation occurs, a new birth occurs in some form.
whenever something is conceived, it is worth spending a minute or two to wonder: who gave what to whom?
Pain is a loving teacher.
Pain is a course in Love.
Pain came to me in the form of Multiple Sclerosis [MS]. The world knows of MS as a disease. My experiences taught me that MS is a very loving teacher. That MS is a course in Love. I am grateful my teacher came to me.
I experienced the first symptoms of MS in 2002 in Bangalore, India. I did not know then, that it was Multiple Sclerosis. In 2008 the condition was officially diagnosed. At UIHC, Iowa City, USA.
MS, is a disease of the Central Nervous System, where the nerves of the brain and spine develop "scars". This impacts physical and mental abilities. As the scars increase, the abilities decrease.
A few months later, in 2008, as I was recuperating from an acute MS attack, the course textbook also came to me: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
What the book said made intuitive sense to me. I started practicing its suggestions.
Results emerged and thereby confidence too. I received a special dose of confidence in mid-2009 thanks to G L Sampoorna in Chennai, India. Thanks to the confidence, in July 2009 I stopped taking the regular injections that MS patients are prescribed and learn to self-inject.
This step of stopping injections was taken without consulting anyone, without any indication of improvement in my condition. The step was taken due to an intuitive sense that the injections are not any actual good and are in fact doing slow harm. Also, there was a feeling that this action will convey a message to the Force, that I have Faith. Also, that without the psychological support of the injections, I will per-force have to hold onto Faith.
Family members supported my decision. Practicing Louise Hay's principles continued.
In Nov 2009, once again I experienced a tini-wini MS attack. Thanks to Louise Hay's principles, this time I paid attention to what MS was telling me. I saw that certain foods were causing aggravation of my problems - a pattern that was common across all occurrences in 2002, 2007-2008 and 2009. I finally understood that not only should I not be eating those foods during an MS attack, but basically I should not be eating those foods ever.
Now since I finally heard this one thing that my teacher had been trying to tell me since years - my teacher was able to talk to me more explicitly and clearly.
I got to know more clearly what I should not eat, and, what I *should* eat. I got to know of Dr. Terry Wahls [a former MS patient herself] and her book Minding My Mitochondria. Telling me about Dr. Terry Wahls and her book in early 2010 was the best hint into the MS riddle that my doctor Dr. Shivapour ever gave me.
I followed Terry Wahls' diet recommendations as best as I could, i.e. about 55-60%.
I was also taught more formally how to listen to my teacher [my thoughts], more explicitly. I enrolled in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction [MBSR] course at UIHC.
MBSR and its many other variations is a set of courses originally started by Jon Kabat Zinn. Meditation is the formal aspect of Mindfulness. Using his course design Jon Kabat Zinn has formally introduced Meditation pratice into regular mainstream medical facilities in the western world.
Thanks to Jon Kabat Zinn's book Wherever You Go There You Are (and exposure to eastern principles and philosophies since childhood), I got to know of MBSR and was appropriately tuned-in for the course and continuation of its practice after the course.
The discomfort caused by MS continued.
I further fine-tuned and integrated Louise Hay's clues and value system with concepts and value systems gained since childhood. Thus the practice was further fine-tuned.
Thanks to that further tuning, in December 2010, I realized I do not have the MS consciousness anymore. That is, that "I am an MS patient" was no longer a part of my identity definition in my internal mental landscape.
In January 2011, I realized I did not have MS anymore. Several everyday explicit symptoms totally vanished. I felt healthier than I ever had even as a child.
What I write here is an output of the journey, of which, the MS is a significant part, but just a part.
Pain is a course in Love.
Pain came to me in the form of Multiple Sclerosis [MS]. The world knows of MS as a disease. My experiences taught me that MS is a very loving teacher. That MS is a course in Love. I am grateful my teacher came to me.
I experienced the first symptoms of MS in 2002 in Bangalore, India. I did not know then, that it was Multiple Sclerosis. In 2008 the condition was officially diagnosed. At UIHC, Iowa City, USA.
MS, is a disease of the Central Nervous System, where the nerves of the brain and spine develop "scars". This impacts physical and mental abilities. As the scars increase, the abilities decrease.
A few months later, in 2008, as I was recuperating from an acute MS attack, the course textbook also came to me: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
What the book said made intuitive sense to me. I started practicing its suggestions.
Results emerged and thereby confidence too. I received a special dose of confidence in mid-2009 thanks to G L Sampoorna in Chennai, India. Thanks to the confidence, in July 2009 I stopped taking the regular injections that MS patients are prescribed and learn to self-inject.
This step of stopping injections was taken without consulting anyone, without any indication of improvement in my condition. The step was taken due to an intuitive sense that the injections are not any actual good and are in fact doing slow harm. Also, there was a feeling that this action will convey a message to the Force, that I have Faith. Also, that without the psychological support of the injections, I will per-force have to hold onto Faith.
Family members supported my decision. Practicing Louise Hay's principles continued.
In Nov 2009, once again I experienced a tini-wini MS attack. Thanks to Louise Hay's principles, this time I paid attention to what MS was telling me. I saw that certain foods were causing aggravation of my problems - a pattern that was common across all occurrences in 2002, 2007-2008 and 2009. I finally understood that not only should I not be eating those foods during an MS attack, but basically I should not be eating those foods ever.
Now since I finally heard this one thing that my teacher had been trying to tell me since years - my teacher was able to talk to me more explicitly and clearly.
I got to know more clearly what I should not eat, and, what I *should* eat. I got to know of Dr. Terry Wahls [a former MS patient herself] and her book Minding My Mitochondria. Telling me about Dr. Terry Wahls and her book in early 2010 was the best hint into the MS riddle that my doctor Dr. Shivapour ever gave me.
I followed Terry Wahls' diet recommendations as best as I could, i.e. about 55-60%.
I was also taught more formally how to listen to my teacher [my thoughts], more explicitly. I enrolled in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction [MBSR] course at UIHC.
MBSR and its many other variations is a set of courses originally started by Jon Kabat Zinn. Meditation is the formal aspect of Mindfulness. Using his course design Jon Kabat Zinn has formally introduced Meditation pratice into regular mainstream medical facilities in the western world.
Thanks to Jon Kabat Zinn's book Wherever You Go There You Are (and exposure to eastern principles and philosophies since childhood), I got to know of MBSR and was appropriately tuned-in for the course and continuation of its practice after the course.
The discomfort caused by MS continued.
I further fine-tuned and integrated Louise Hay's clues and value system with concepts and value systems gained since childhood. Thus the practice was further fine-tuned.
Thanks to that further tuning, in December 2010, I realized I do not have the MS consciousness anymore. That is, that "I am an MS patient" was no longer a part of my identity definition in my internal mental landscape.
In January 2011, I realized I did not have MS anymore. Several everyday explicit symptoms totally vanished. I felt healthier than I ever had even as a child.
What I write here is an output of the journey, of which, the MS is a significant part, but just a part.
Holy Matrimony
Then with her father's permission
Took Her He In His Unision
Oh With Love He Looked At Her
Color His Came Onto Her [1]
1: She acquired His attributes. one of His attributes: करपूर गौरं = karpoor gauram = camphor complexioned = white = confluence of all the frequencies of the visible spectrum. Her new name : गौरी = Gauri = fair, white one. She is commonly worshipped, by the name of Gauri, by women (specially in north India) for a happy married life.
She (Parvati) is the only consort and Goddess in the Hindu system of Gods who being in Her human form (Avataar), acquired partnership with Him directly in His Divine Form. all other human forms (Avataars) of Goddesses (Radha, Sita) are associated with their corresponding consorts in their human forms (Krishna, Raam).
2: Shiva Parvati Amar Chitra Katha Pg 27,28
Then with her father's permission
Took Her He In His Unision
Oh With Love He Looked At Her
Color His Came Onto Her [1]
1: She acquired His attributes. one of His attributes: करपूर गौरं = karpoor gauram = camphor complexioned = white = confluence of all the frequencies of the visible spectrum. Her new name : गौरी = Gauri = fair, white one. She is commonly worshipped, by the name of Gauri, by women (specially in north India) for a happy married life.
She (Parvati) is the only consort and Goddess in the Hindu system of Gods who being in Her human form (Avataar), acquired partnership with Him directly in His Divine Form. all other human forms (Avataars) of Goddesses (Radha, Sita) are associated with their corresponding consorts in their human forms (Krishna, Raam).
2: Shiva Parvati Amar Chitra Katha Pg 27,28
His Arrival And Proposal
then she sang her old old song [1]
stealthily He came along.
as He came on more and more,
saw Him standing right before!
she was shy, He Said With Love
"Marry Me Oh My True Love."
softly said she, "ask my father,
he is vital in this matter." [2]
1: Song From The Old Testament
2: her father had set aside an area of land where she went with his permission to woo her Love. yet, when He finally came after a long penance by her, she asks Him, The Supreme Being, to ask her father! (ref: Shiva-Parvati, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 26, also Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 8).
the message hidden in her action:
on the path to Divinity (or any goal for that matter) it is imperative that complete respect be accorded to Humanity (or the present), even if that delays matters somewhat.
even Shankaracharya did not go onto His path without first receiving permission from His parents. when He first requested, His mother was unable to agree, so He did not go, until she was able to allow Him (ref: Shankaracharya, Amar Chitra Katha, Pgs to be found).
at the same time it is imperative that Divinity (or the inner voice) be always given complete and higher respect than Humanity (or the perceived present). failing to do so leads to self-annihilation to some degree or the other. (ref: Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 12-17)
then she sang her old old song [1]
stealthily He came along.
as He came on more and more,
saw Him standing right before!
she was shy, He Said With Love
"Marry Me Oh My True Love."
softly said she, "ask my father,
he is vital in this matter." [2]
1: Song From The Old Testament
2: her father had set aside an area of land where she went with his permission to woo her Love. yet, when He finally came after a long penance by her, she asks Him, The Supreme Being, to ask her father! (ref: Shiva-Parvati, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 26, also Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 8).
the message hidden in her action:
on the path to Divinity (or any goal for that matter) it is imperative that complete respect be accorded to Humanity (or the present), even if that delays matters somewhat.
even Shankaracharya did not go onto His path without first receiving permission from His parents. when He first requested, His mother was unable to agree, so He did not go, until she was able to allow Him (ref: Shankaracharya, Amar Chitra Katha, Pgs to be found).
at the same time it is imperative that Divinity (or the inner voice) be always given complete and higher respect than Humanity (or the perceived present). failing to do so leads to self-annihilation to some degree or the other. (ref: Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 12-17)
Song From The Old Testament
Quotation taken from a translation of the Septuagint, the earliest known (circa 250 B.C.) version of the Old Testament. From Proverbs 8:3-31 (excerpts):
For at the gates of the Mighty, She hath taken a seat,
and at the entrance thereof chanteth Her song:
"In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth
When He furnished the Heavens, I was with Him;
and when He set apart His throne on the winds
When He set to the sea its bound,
and the waters passed not the word of His mouth
I was harmonizing with Him. I was the one in whom
He delighted, and I was daily gladdened by His
presence on all occasions."
note: all of the above text, including the note on its original source, is taken from the book Linda Goodman's Love Signs (by Linda Goodman), Pgs 16,17.
mature Love
so she went and sat like Him
and she tried to fly like Him [1]
closed her eyes and said His name
hoping hard ... He never came. [2]
in her mind she looked at Him
in His Love began her swim.
in His arms she let her loose -
started hearing voices. whose?
He was speaking down to her
many Angels came to her [3]
told her many stories they
caringly she heard them say.
Angel Tales kept showing her
What A Holiness He Were.
day and night they spoke to her
growing wings with Love for her.
as she heard Them loud and clear
saw Him clear and clear and clear.
deep inside she slowly sang [4]
hit His Notes, resounding bang [5]
1: Meditation
2: adhooree saadhanaa (incomplete penance). note: Hindi to English is available via the link "HE" at the bottom of the poem
3: "Angels are the thoughts of God". Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles". by Marianne Williamson. Pg 285.
4: Eagle by ABBA
5: resonance of matching frequencies
6: Shiv-Parvati. Pg 18, 19
so she went and sat like Him
and she tried to fly like Him [1]
closed her eyes and said His name
hoping hard ... He never came. [2]
in her mind she looked at Him
in His Love began her swim.
in His arms she let her loose -
started hearing voices. whose?
He was speaking down to her
many Angels came to her [3]
told her many stories they
caringly she heard them say.
Angel Tales kept showing her
What A Holiness He Were.
day and night they spoke to her
growing wings with Love for her.
as she heard Them loud and clear
saw Him clear and clear and clear.
deep inside she slowly sang [4]
hit His Notes, resounding bang [5]
1: Meditation
2: adhooree saadhanaa (incomplete penance). note: Hindi to English is available via the link "HE" at the bottom of the poem
3: "Angels are the thoughts of God". Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles". by Marianne Williamson. Pg 285.
4: Eagle by ABBA
5: resonance of matching frequencies
6: Shiv-Parvati. Pg 18, 19
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell
I love hearing the stories that they tell
They've seen places beyond my land and they've found new horizons
They speak strangely but I understand
And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing
I have questions and they know everything
There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher
Am I dreaming or is it all real?
Is it true I'm an eagle?
Is it true I can spread my wings?
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
link to song rendered
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell
I love hearing the stories that they tell
They've seen places beyond my land and they've found new horizons
They speak strangely but I understand
And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing
I have questions and they know everything
There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher
Am I dreaming or is it all real?
Is it true I'm an eagle?
Is it true I can spread my wings?
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
link to song rendered
immature Love
but He did not look her way
got up and He walked away
oh His blow did hit her bad
oh was she sorry! was she sad!
so she went and told her father
in his arms he took his daughter.
no my darling it is so -
in His ways i have no go
i am helpless in this matter
i am sorry oh my daughter.
but her Love indeed was true
she swore to heartily[1] Him woo
1: by penance
2: Shiv-Parvati Pg 15-17
but He did not look her way
got up and He walked away
oh His blow did hit her bad
oh was she sorry! was she sad!
so she went and told her father
in his arms he took his daughter.
no my darling it is so -
in His ways i have no go
i am helpless in this matter
i am sorry oh my daughter.
but her Love indeed was true
she swore to heartily[1] Him woo
1: by penance
2: Shiv-Parvati Pg 15-17
this is how the Miracle started
"I am the vehicle [1] of my Self [2]",
so He said unto His Self.
she looked at Him
she found Him cool (handsome).
she saw His Flight (stationary, and in one place) [3]
she found Him hot.
and so it happened
she was caught (in the bondage of Love).[4]
1: Garuda
2: Vishnu
3: Meditation
4: Shiv-Parvati Pg 9
"I am the vehicle [1] of my Self [2]",
so He said unto His Self.
she looked at Him
she found Him cool (handsome).
she saw His Flight (stationary, and in one place) [3]
she found Him hot.
and so it happened
she was caught (in the bondage of Love).[4]
1: Garuda
2: Vishnu
3: Meditation
4: Shiv-Parvati Pg 9
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a Miracle. The other is as though everything is a Miracle." – he said [1]
“God does not break the Laws of Physics.” – he said
“That is a medical Miracle!” – he said
“That which you experience but cannot understand, is a Miracle. That which you understand, ceases to be a Miracle. It becomes Science. The challenge is to experience each and every experience as a Miracle and at the same moment, know its Science and understand that it is not (a Miracle) (an experience).
That is the flight of the Eagle.” – He said
[ref: 1: Albert Einstein]
“God does not break the Laws of Physics.” – he said
“That is a medical Miracle!” – he said
“That which you experience but cannot understand, is a Miracle. That which you understand, ceases to be a Miracle. It becomes Science. The challenge is to experience each and every experience as a Miracle and at the same moment, know its Science and understand that it is not (a Miracle) (an experience).
That is the flight of the Eagle.” – He said
[ref: 1: Albert Einstein]
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