His Arrival And Proposal


then she sang her old old song [1]
stealthily He came along.
as He came on more and more,
saw Him standing right before!

she was shy, He Said With Love
"Marry Me Oh My True Love."
softly said she, "ask my father,
he is vital in this matter." [2]


1: Song From The Old Testament
2: her father had set aside an area of land where she went with his permission to woo her Love. yet, when He finally came after a long penance by her, she asks Him, The Supreme Being, to ask her father! (ref: Shiva-Parvati, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 26, also Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 8).

the message hidden in her action:
on the path to Divinity (or any goal for that matter) it is imperative that complete respect be accorded to Humanity (or the present), even if that delays matters somewhat.

even Shankaracharya did not go onto His path without first receiving permission from His parents. when He first requested, His mother was unable to agree, so He did not go, until she was able to allow Him (ref: Shankaracharya, Amar Chitra Katha, Pgs to be found).

at the same time it is imperative that Divinity (or the inner voice) be always given complete and higher respect than Humanity (or the perceived present). failing to do so leads to self-annihilation to some degree or the other. (ref: Sati and Shiva, Amar Chitra Katha Pg 12-17)

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